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Free intake

The first issue-introducing conversation is free.

Standard fee

The standard hourly rate for legal services is €170 (excluding 6% office costs and 21% VAT ). Costs are rounded off to units of 6 minutes.

At your first visit to the office a cost estimate is made of your case. Factors like complexity, or simplicity, and urgency of your case or legal procedure can be reason for adjustment, after consultation of course in case of raise. You will further be kept informed during the handling of your case of the hours spent and consulted when your case takes more time than in the initially agreed estimation. That way unpleasant surprises in hindsight will be avoided.

The hourly rate is excluding additional costs, such as in legal court proceedings court fees and bailiff costs or administrative handling fees of the IND.

In specific cases discussion is possible regarding the manner of payment.

In cooperation agreements with employers package deals can be made.